The Venus Factor

        The Venus Factor


Lose Weight Fast - The ONLY Fat Loss Program Dedicated to Women!

My venus factor review shows why it is the first and only weight loss plan designed to dramatically increase female metabolism and bring out the sexy goddess in you by delivering fast, long term, enjoyable fat loss...

Without restricting the foods you crave most, without working yourself in some death trap contraption, and most certainly WITHOUT working against your body so your fat loss process becomes simple, and even ENJOYABLE...

The groundbreaking Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist that shows you exactly what to eat and when for the next 12 weeks to disintegrate fat from your problem areas. Your Virtual Nutritionist is designed to help make every 10 pounds you lose look like 20 because by burning fat from where you visually need to most.
As you can probably tell, The Venus Factor was developed to take female fat loss to another level. And Fast. In fact, hundreds of women report inches vanishing from their problem areas within weeks and they have the startling pictures you're seeing to prove it.

Which is amazing considering they're experiencing these rapid results while still enjoying their favorite foods like pizza, pasta, ice cream, and chocolate at the perfect times to accelerate female fat loss.
Why not try the venus factor yourself  Click the following link to get this limited time discount:

A Closer Look at The Venus Factor

If you’re like a lot of women, then the chances are excellent that you’ve been

struggling to lose weight for a while. Who can blame you? The deck is stacked

against you from the very beginning thanks to the way the human body is hard-

wired to put on and maintain a high body weight whenever possible. Plus,

people are getting busier by the day, especially in this economy, so most of us

don’t have hours of time and buckets of disposable income to spend on

traditional gym workouts.

It’s even tougher to find fitness programs that actually cater to your individual

needs and personal desires as far as what you hope to get out of your efforts.

Women especially have a hard time here. Sure, we want to get stronger and

build muscle, but we want to accentuate our natural feminine figures and look

great in our clothes as well. Plus, each woman’s body is different, so what

works for one of us might not work the same way for someone else.

That’s actually why I found the Venus Factor program interesting. I liked that

it was not only designed especially for women, but it takes into consideration

what each individual woman’s body might be like. There just isn’t really

anything else like that out there… and believe me, I’ve looked!

What’s the Venus Factor All About?

At the center of the Venus Factor program is something known as “the Venus index”.

Your Venus index is determined by taking your waist, hip, and height

measurements into consideration to come up with the ideal set of

measurements for your unique body. Ideally speaking, your waist should be

equal to 38% of your height. Then you multiply your ideal waist size by 1.42 to

determine your ideal hip measurements and 1.618 to determine your ideal

shoulder measurement.

From there you use your Venus index to determine where you need to go next

to wind up with the shape you really want. A lot of women will indeed need to

lose weight to be sure, but some very skinny women will need to gain it.

Whatever your personal situation might be, the Venus Factor program helps

you figure out how to eat and exercise to get where you need to be. That’s

something I really liked about this – the way you can tailor this one program to

meet any set of unique needs.

What’s Included in the Program?

The program in and of itself consists of a number of different components – all

based on the concept of the Venus index. In addition to the main manual

which helps you determine what your Venus index actually is...READ MORE


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